Last updated: September 6, 2018

Ichiji-kan Park

Ichiji-kan Park is a park and camping facility located in Yosano town.  The park got its name “Ichiji-kan” because Amanohashidate looks like “一” (pronounced “ichi” in Japanese), the Chinese character for “one ” when viewed from this spot.

There are also “panorama cottages” available to be reserved April 1st-November 30th.



Spot Name Ichiji-kan Park
Address 京都府与謝郡与謝野町字弓木 [ Map ]
Reference Oouchi-touge Ichiji-kan Park
TEL:TEL 0772-46-0052

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<Ichiji-kan Park>Access Information
Location Map
(*)Google Maps will open in a separate window.
Access Car, or 20 minutes by taxi from Amanohashidate train station
Parking Free Parking Available
Capacity: 30 cars
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