Last updated: June 26, 2024

Amanohashidate Sightseeing Boat

This boat is a sea lane which goes back and forth between the northern part of Amanohashidate (Ichinomiya) and the southern part (Amanohashidate Sanbashi). It takes approximately 12 minutes after boarding.
You can really appreciate how long the Amanohashidate sand bar is, since the boat sails along  Amanohashidate.

On the boat, a lot of seagulls come close to get snacks from the boat’s passengers who feed them. Shrimp crackers are for sale on the boat so you should try to feed them!!


Spot Name Amanohashidate Sightseeing Boat
Address 544 Monju, Miyazu, Kyoto [ Map ]
Reference Kaisen Tankaiya (Tango Sea and Road Transportation Company)

Boat Dock

<Amanohashidate Sightseeing Boat>Access Information
Location Map
544 Monju, Miyazu, Kyoto
(*)Google Maps will open in a separate window.
Access 6 minute walk from Amanohashidate Station
Parking Not available
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